Zenith Wiki

Armor is a class of items that mitigate physical damage and are equipped in the different armor slots (head, chest (aka body), hands, legs, and feet. This sort of armor contributes to the Armor attribute, a numerical value that translates into damage reduction in combat. Armor should not be confused with Defense bonus, which displays on the HUD with a shield icon when boosted.

Armor equipment slots[]

There are five slots that a character can equip armor items into: the character's head, chest (aka body), legs, feet, and hands.

Armor Value[]

The amount of armor you receive from armor is constant between classes and armor sets, the only things which affect it are the slot it is for, the rarity of the item, and the level of the item (or the level it is being scaled down to). This can be calculated as follows for any level of enhancement:

Top Pants Gloves Shoes
1 0.8 0.6 0.4
Common Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary
0 1 2 3 4

NB: The magic armor that can be synthesized in Nexus District uses the same Rarity number as Legendary rather than magic armor

round the results of the following to the nearest whole number

Alternatively, there's also this handy lookup table (Note, it may not be possible to acquire Magic rarity equipment below lvl20, and legendary armor is currently unavailable. Nexus district magic armor uses legendary armor stats):

Armor Value by Level and Rarity
Common Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary
level top pants gloves shoes top pants gloves shoes top pants gloves shoes top pants gloves shoes top pants gloves shoes
1 100 80 60 40 105 85 65 45 110 90 70 50 115 95 75 55 120 100 80 60
2 108 86 65 43 113 92 70 49 119 97 76 54 124 103 81 59 130 108 86 65
3 116 93 70 46 122 99 75 52 128 104 81 58 133 110 87 64 139 116 93 70
4 124 99 74 50 130 105 81 56 136 112 87 62 143 118 93 68 149 124 99 74
5 132 106 79 53 139 112 86 59 145 119 92 66 152 125 99 73 158 132 106 79
6 140 112 84 56 147 119 91 63 154 126 98 70 161 133 105 77 168 140 112 84
7 148 118 89 59 155 126 96 67 163 133 104 74 170 141 111 81 178 148 118 89
8 156 125 94 62 164 133 101 70 172 140 109 78 179 148 117 86 187 156 125 94
9 164 131 98 66 172 139 107 74 180 148 115 82 189 156 123 90 197 164 131 98
10 172 138 103 69 181 146 112 77 189 155 120 86 198 163 129 95 206 172 138 103
11 180 144 108 72 189 153 117 81 198 162 126 90 207 171 135 99 216 180 144 108
12 188 150 113 75 197 160 122 85 207 169 132 94 216 179 141 103 226 188 150 113
13 196 157 118 78 206 167 127 88 216 176 137 98 225 186 147 108 235 196 157 118
14 204 163 122 82 214 173 133 92 224 184 143 102 235 194 153 112 245 204 163 122
15 212 170 127 85 223 180 138 95 233 191 148 106 244 201 159 117 254 212 170 127
16 220 176 132 88 231 187 143 99 242 198 154 110 253 209 165 121 264 220 176 132
17 228 182 137 91 239 194 148 103 251 205 160 114 262 217 171 125 274 228 182 137
18 236 189 142 94 248 201 153 106 260 212 165 118 271 224 177 130 283 236 189 142
19 244 195 146 98 256 207 159 110 268 220 171 122 281 232 183 134 293 244 195 146
20 252 202 151 101 265 214 164 113 277 227 176 126 290 239 189 139 302 252 202 151
21 260 208 156 104 273 221 169 117 286 234 182 130 299 247 195 143 312 260 208 156
22 268 214 161 107 281 228 174 121 295 241 188 134 308 255 201 147 322 268 214 161
23 276 221 166 110 290 235 179 124 304 248 193 138 317 262 207 152 331 276 221 166
24 284 227 170 114 298 241 185 128 312 256 199 142 327 270 213 156 341 284 227 170
25 292 234 175 117 307 248 190 131 321 263 204 146 336 277 219 161 350 292 234 175
26 300 240 180 120 315 255 195 135 330 270 210 150 345 285 225 165 360 300 240 180
27 308 246 185 123 323 262 200 139 339 277 216 154 354 293 231 169 370 308 246 185
28 316 253 190 126 332 269 205 142 348 284 221 158 363 300 237 174 379 316 253 190
29 324 259 194 130 340 275 211 146 356 292 227 162 373 308 243 178 389 324 259 194
30 332 266 199 133 349 282 216 149 365 299 232 166 382 315 249 183 398 332 266 199
31 340 272 204 136 357 289 221 153 374 306 238 170 391 323 255 187 408 340 272 204
32 348 278 209 139 365 296 226 157 383 313 244 174 400 331 261 191 418 348 278 209
33 356 285 214 142 374 303 231 160 392 320 249 178 409 338 267 196 427 356 285 214
34 364 291 218 146 382 309 237 164 400 328 255 182 419 346 273 200 437 364 291 218
35 372 298 223 149 391 316 242 167 409 335 260 186 428 353 279 205 446 372 298 223
36 380 304 228 152 399 323 247 171 418 342 266 190 437 361 285 209 456 380 304 228
37 388 310 233 155 407 330 252 175 427 349 272 194 446 369 291 213 466 388 310 233
38 396 317 238 158 416 337 257 178 436 356 277 198 455 376 297 218 475 396 317 238
39 404 323 242 162 424 343 263 182 444 364 283 202 465 384 303 222 485 404 323 242
40 412 330 247 165 433 350 268 185 453 371 288 206 474 391 309 227 494 412 330 247
41 420 336 252 168 441 357 273 189 462 378 294 210 483 399 315 231 504 420 336 252

Damage absorption[]

Armor effectively augments a character's health to a higher number (if the armor is positive), due to the additional amount of damage a player can withstand. For instance, a character with 5000 health and 50% armor would be able to absorb 10000 damage before dying. To determine what your effective HP is after damage reduction:

Armor damage reduction formula[]

damage reduction is rounded to one decimal place in game, use your actual character level even when under the effects of level scaling

Armor caps[]

Patch changes[]

See also[]

External links[]
